Stripe Sessions API

Integrate Push Lap Growth to your website using stripe sessions API

Ayo AbdulLast Updated March 04, 2025

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of integrating Stripe with the Push Lap Growth affiliate tracking system using the Session API. This method ensures accurate tracking of purchases and referrals.

Step 1: Tracking Clicks

Insert the following script in your website's <head> tag to start tracking clicks:

Normal Method


Using Google Tag Manager

  var pushLap = document.createElement('script');
  pushLap.src = "";
  pushLap.setAttribute('data-affiliate', '');
  pushLap.setAttribute('data-program-id', 'YOUR_AFFILIATE_PROGRAM_ID');

Step 2: Connect Stripe

To proceed, connect your Stripe account by going to Dashboard → Integrations → Connect payment processor → Stripe. (Please complete the whole stripe connection flow to have your affiliate program connected to your stripe account)

Step 3: Send Affiliate Data to Stripe

You need to send the Push Lap Affiliate ID to Stripe using one of the following methods:

1. client_reference_id parameter.

2. Stripe session metadata with the key pushLapAffiliateId.

When the script from Step 1 is installed globally, you will have access to: window.affiliateId on your frontend only

This ID must be sent to your backend when creating a new checkout session.

Using client_reference_id

const stripeSession = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
  success_url: "",
  cancel_url: "",
  client_reference_id: window.affiliateId, // Retrieved from frontend
  mode: "subscription",
  line_items: [
      price: "PRICE_ID",
      quantity: 1,

Using Metadata

const stripeSession = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
  success_url: "",
  cancel_url: "",
  mode: "subscription",
  metadata: {
    pushLapAffiliateId: window.affiliateId // Retrieved from frontend
  line_items: [
      price: "PRICE_ID",
      quantity: 1,


By following these steps, you can successfully integrate Stripe with Push Lap Growth for accurate affiliate tracking.

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